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Visitors since 6/30/2008

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Name: Jeff Rapp
Date: 02/17/2014
Message: This is helpful on clarifying some issues and good to know. I hope everyone adheres to these rules for the safety of the kids. That is still a lot of innings in a week.

Name: Jimbo
Date: 10/14/2013
Message: Just happened to stumble upon your website and thought that I should let you know what a pleasant stay that I had. A very nice site, quite enjoyable. Keep up the good work. The site really shows the time and effort you have put into it.

Name: Mark A Bryant
Date: 03/21/2011
Message: Dear IHS BCA - A dream last night prompted me to look up my father, Donald E. Bryant, a member of your Hall of Fame. My mother and I attended. I remember the event, but not the date. It has been awhile ago. Dad is listed as an umpire. However, he was the long time coach of Des Moines Tech HS. I'm sure he would like to be listed as a (C). Regards, his son-Mark Bryant

Name: Patrick McIlhon
Date: 03/07/2009
Message: The site looks sharp and is effective. Thank-you for your talents and efforts.

Name: Emory Stewart
Date: 10/10/2008
Message: Not coaching now but still care alot about the association and still enjoy my involvement. Baseball is still the countries most pure game. The website looks great. Great job.

Name: James Valentine College Prospects of America
Date: 08/17/2008
Message: Awesome site very informational!!!

Name: Steve Glenn- Van Meter
Date: 07/21/2008
Message: The site is looking good! Keep up the good work!

Name: Tod Broman
Date: 07/01/2008
Message: Wow! This website is really sharp! Good job!

Name: Jared Rahe
Date: 07/01/2008
Message: just wanted to sign in.

Name: Webmaster
Date: 06/30/2008
Message: Welcome to the Iowa High School Baseball Coaches Association Website.

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IHSBCA - Iowa Baseball Coaches

Lee Toole
301 Wildwood Dr
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Cell:  402-689-8271



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