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2003 Hall of Fame Class #35   Honored at 2003 Clinic

Ken Ferris - Bettendorf
Jack Hamilton - Morningside
Jim Happel - Atkins
Pat Heiderscheit - Lansing Kee
Bob Leech - Muscatine
Dan Reid - Burlington
Tom Souhrada - Davenport West

Members of the IHSBCA’s Hall of Fame Class #35 in 2003 included, front row:  Bob Leech - Muscatine, Tom Souhrada - Davenport West, Dan Reid - Burlington;  back row:  Jim Happel - Atkins , Pat Heiderscheit - Lansing Kee, Ken Ferris - Bettendorf and Jack Hamilton of Morning Sun.  

Father Craig Collison of Sioux City accepts the 2003 President’s Award from IHSBCA Executive Secretary Pinky Primrose.

E. Wayne Cooley of Des Moines accepts the Harold “Pinky” Primrose Award for 2003 from the award’s namesake Pinky Primrose.

Class 2A District Coaches of the Year for 2003 included, Bruce Wall - Jesup, Rick Admire - Seargeant Bluff-Luton, Dave Dirkx - Carlisle and Jeff Douglas of Interstate 35.

College Coaches of the Year for 2003 included, 2-Year COY Rick Pederson of Iowa Central CC and 4-Year COY Rick Heller of Northern Iowa. 

Assistant Coaches of the Year for 2003 included Craig Allison of Urbandale, Dave Heying and Rusty Rogotzke of Charles City. 

Class 4A District Coaches of the Year for 2003 included, Glen Naber - Pleasant Valley, Lee Toole - Council Bluffs Lewis Central, Steve Mohr - WDM Valley and Tim O’Neill of WDM Dowling.  

Class 3A District Coaches of the Year for 2003 included, Steve Daeges of Harlan and Monte Friestad of Waukee.

2003 Award Winners — Honored at 2004 Clinic

        SE      Scott Hardie - Iowa Valley Marengo
        NE      Randy Hoffman - Nora Springs
        Central Matt Zoske - North Tama
        NW      Jeff Scharn - Sioux Central
**      SW      Eric Trudo - Van Meter

        SE      Tim Goodwin - Williamsburg
        NE      Bruce Wall  - Jesup
**      Central Dave Dirkx - Carlisle
        NW      Rick Admire - Sergeant Bluff-Luton
        SW      Jeff Douglas - Interstate 35

**      West    Steve Daeges - Harlan
        SE      Billy Argo - Davenport Assumption
        NE      Dennis Oejniczak - Decorah
        Central Monty Friestad - Waukee

        West    Lee Toole - Council Bluffs Lewis Central
        SE      Glen Naber - Pleasant Valley
        NE      Tom Witry - Dubuque Hempstead
        SCentral        Tim O’Neill - West DesMoines Dowling
**      NCentral        Steve Mohr - West Des Moines Valley

2-year College COY:  Rick Pederson      Iowa Central CC
4-year College COY:  Rick Heller        Northern Iowa University

Assistant Coach of the Year Nominees and Winners
NE:             Rusty Rogotzke, Chad Pettyjohn, Chad Scherbring
West:   Dave Heying, Mike Gerleman, Mark Winegardner
Central:        Craig Allison, Steve Drew, Wyatt Zoske
SE:             Tony Endress, Blake Hanna, Edward Sawvell

All District Umpire Nominees, All District Umpires and Umpire of the Year
**      Jeff Frese - Norway - Umpire of Year

NE:             Dennis L. Schroeder, Mike Gansemer, Adam Riley
West:          Tim Hughes, Pete Hansen, Mark Harris
Central:       Gary Paulsen, John Bartolo, Ken Robbins
SE:             Jeff Frese, Mike Droll, Pat Pacha

Large Schools West Head Coach Al Lammers of Norwalk poses with his 9-year-old daughter Paige who served as the team’s “bat person” in 2003. 

Large East MVP Brian Joynt of Knoxville receives his 2003 award from IHSBCA Board Members Jerry Roling of Cascade and Paul Keitel of DeWitt.

Members of the Large East squad get ready to play in the 2003 All Star Series.

Tom Souhrada and Bill Freese of Davenport take a break at the 2003 All Star Series.

IHSBCA President Paul Keitel presents medals to team members following the 2003 All Star Series.

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IHSBCA - Iowa Baseball Coaches

Lee Toole
301 Wildwood Dr
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Cell:  402-689-8271



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