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1999 Hall of Fame Class #31

Larry Avery - Donnellson
Jack Bruner - Waterloo
Howard Manders - Dallas Center
Andy McGaffin - Spencer
Lowell Thomson - Mason City
Brent Prange - Des Moines

Hall of Fame Class #31 in 1999 included, Lowell Thomson - Mason City, Jack Bruner - Waterloo, Howard Manders - Dallas Center, Brent Prange - DesMoines, Andy McGaffin - Spencer and Larry Avery of Donnellson.

Umpire and Coaches of the Year for 1999 included, Umpire Bill Boyd - New Hampton, 2A COY Ken Schreiber - CB St. Albert’s and 4A Mel Murken of Ankeny.

District 3A Coaches of the year in 1999 included, Rich Collison - Algona and Andy McGaffin of Spencer.

Assistant Coach of the Year 1999 - West District

Brian Dirkx - Spencer

District Umpire winners in 1999 included, Brent Prange - Central, Bill Boyd - NE, Paul Keitel - SE and Marlow VanGInkel in the West District.

1999 Award Winners — Honored at 2000 Clinic

**      NW      Marty Kurth - LeMars Gehlen
        SE      Gene Pratt - Harmony
        NE      Gary Stamp - Lisbon
        Central Matt Zoske - North Tama
        SW      Steve Westphal - Lenox

        NW      Eugene Meister / John Bartolo - Algona Garrigan
        SE      Jeff Schwiebert - Mount Vernon
        NE      Jerry Roling - Cascade
        Central Dave Middleton - North Polk
**      SW      Ken Schreiber - Council Bluffs St. Albert

        West    Andy McGaffin - Spencer
**      SE      Scott Harding - Davenport Assumption
        NE      Steve Sanders - Oelwein
        Central Rich Collison  - Algona

        West      Kelly Neustrom  - Sioux City North
        SE         Tom Souhrada - Davenport West
        NE         Dick Core - Dubuque Hempstead
**      Central Mel Murken - Ankeny

2-year College COY:  John Lewis - Kirkwood CC
4-year College COY:  Joel Holst - Wartburg College

Assistant Coach of the Year Nominees and Winners
NE:             Pat Bollman, Tom Whitny
West:          Brian Dirkx, Dean Harpenau, Mark Meyer
Central:       Randy Ripperger, Jack Cottrell, Chad Wiedmann
SE:             No Nominations

All District Umpire Nominees, All District Umpires and Umpire of the Year
**      Bill Boyd - New Hampton - Umpire of the Year

NE:            Bill Boyd, Ev Peterson, Mike Gansemer
West:         Marlowe VanGinkel, Ken Hutcheson, Doug Roder
Central:      Brent Prange, Neils Johnson, Gary Paulsen
SE:            Paul Keitel, Jeff Frese, Steve Mason

District Coaches of the Year in Class 4A in 1999 included, Tom Souhrada - Davenport West, Mel Murken - Ankeny and Dick Core of Dubuque Hempstead.

Longevity Award Winners in the 35-year class of 1999 included, Lou Yacinich - Grand View, Jim Kloewer - Stuart and Duane Banks of the University of Iowa. 

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Lee Toole
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Council Bluffs, IA 51503
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